Simcere Zaiming, an innovative oncology-focused biopharmaceutical company and a subsidiary of Simcere Pharmaceutical Group Ltd., announced today that it will present six posters that showcase the latest clinical progresses of three drugs in its innovative product portfolio at the 2023 World Conference of Lung Cancer(“WCLC”)held in Singapore on September 9-12, 2023.

Lung cancer ranks first in the annual death toll from malignant tumors in China and globally. Combinations of myeloprotection, immuno-oncology and anti-angiogenesis therapies, as represented by Cosela® (trilaciclib), Endostar® (recombinant human endostatin), and Enweida® (envafolimab), have generated some exciting evidence-based data. They have the potential to provide more effective treatment options for both non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC).