We are rapidly transitioning to an innovation and R&D-driven pharmaceutical company, leveraging our leading manufacturing and commercial capabilities to achieve our mission of “providing today’s patients with medicines of the future” . We have established three R&D centers in Nanjing, Shanghai and Boston, respectively. With the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology, we have also established a national key laboratory of translational medicine and innovative pharmaceuticals . We have been continuously recognized as one of the “Top 10 Innovative Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China ” and “Top 100 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Enterprises of China ”.


  • 1995

  • 2001

  • 2003

  • 2006

  • 2007

  • 2013

  • 2015

  • 2018

  • established Jiangsu Simcere, engaging in the sales, marketing and distribution of pharmaceuticals

  • cquired a controlling interest in Hainan Simcere and manufacturing capabilities of pharmaceuticals, built our own research and development team

  • acquired the entire equity interest in Simcere Dongyuan, established postdoctoral research station

  • acquired a controlling interest in Shandong Simcere

  • became the first bio and chemical pharmaceutical company in China to be listed on the NYSE

  • completed the privatization

  • established the National Key Laboratory of Translational Medicine and Innovative Pharmaceuticals approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology

  • Shanghai R&D center established

  • established Jiangsu Simcere, engaging in the sales, marketing and distribution of pharmaceuticals
  • cquired a controlling interest in Hainan Simcere and manufacturing capabilities of pharmaceuticals, built our own research and development team
  • acquired the entire equity interest in Simcere Dongyuan, established postdoctoral research station
  • acquired a controlling interest in Shandong Simcere
  • became the first bio and chemical pharmaceutical company in China to be listed on the NYSE
  • completed the privatization
  • established the National Key Laboratory of Translational Medicine and Innovative Pharmaceuticals approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Shanghai R&D center established

Management Team


Providing Today’s Patients with Medicines of the Future

Core Values


Simcere CI

  • The name “Simcere” comes from the word “sincere”, which embodies our main principle of treating people with sincerity.
  • On the left side of our logo is Simcerer running against the wind, representing the spirit of unremitting endeavor and the encourage to pursue excellence.
  • The color green symbolizes life, health and vitality.